Integrations reducing your workload
Connect CarBuddii to your favourite tools and reduce your workload. We can easily and efficiently integrate with everything. If you miss a specific integration in the list below, you are more than welcome to contact us.

Ny integration til FTZplus. Enkel håndtering af lejebiler, øget effektivitet og bedre indtjening.

MitID-validering på lejekontrakter og køresedler. Udlej sikkert og nemt udenfor åbningstid.

Tilbyd kunderne en selvrisikoforsikring gennem Tryg, der sikrer både dine kunder og dit værksted.

Få fuld kontrol over lånebilerne og øg indtjeningen – alle udgifter registreres automatisk.

Slip for at betale dine kunders udgifter. Integrationen samler alle udgifter og bompenge automatisk på opgørelsen.

Ny integration med Bilinfo optimerer salgsprocessen fra lead til slutseddel. Udbyg din kunderejse i Bilinfo.

Accept bookings of vehicles and forward basis for invoicing to AutoVision.

With this integration you can easily and simply transfer basis for invoicing to e-conomic.

Get all your Bilhandel leads into CarBuddii and no leads are lost in the sales process.

Get customer information on your bookings and send invoicing data from the rental contract back to the work order.

Transfer, among other things, customer names and email addresses for marketing purposes.

With integration to AutoUncle, you get all your leads directly into the CarBuddii app.

Get all leads from your website into CarBuddii. Quick follow-up on leads and structured collection of data.

Easily look up customers in the CPR register and get all the correct customer information automatically.

Initiate marketing campaigns with Flowstack and manage all leads with the CarBuddii app.

Get all your AUTOproff leads into CarBuddii and no leads are lost in the sales process.

License plate lookups for Danish and Swedish vehicles, so the vehicles are always recorded correctly.

Transfer customers including test drives to Zoho CRM for further processing.

License plate lookups for Norwegian vehicles as well as providing personal data for Norwegian customers.

dun & bradstreet (previously Bisnode) protects personal data and ensures validation of licenses in Sweden.