Car import
Streamline and set new standards for your lead management work – and make it more efficient with CarBuddii's solution. Full overview of the entire sales journey.

The solution for the data-driven car importer
With CarBuddii you will have the essential tool for managing and having an overview of the sales effort across the entire organisation. The system has been developed to manage and unify both digital leads and walk-in leads. You will get an insight into the management of customer inquiries and activities by individual branches while measuring your marketing activities.
GDPR compliance and contract management
Automated lead management
Task management – the salesperson's tool
Measure the impact with data

GDPR compliance and contract management
CarBuddii's solution ensures consistent test drive agreements and rental contracts for rental cars as well as safe storage of customer data, consents, and contracts completely in accordance with GDPR.

Automated lead management
CarBuddii’s tool provides you with an overview of the customer journey and ensures that all leads are being managed. The salesperson guides the customer and will be able to follow the individual lead from the first inquiry to the end of the sales journey.
Delegation of leads across the organisation and locations is easy with CarBuddii.
Our solution supports a clear and structured process for your entire lead management set-up.

Task management – the salesperson's tool
When the salesperson starts their workday, they receive one notification that compiles the tasks of the day, and they receive one more notification before the end of the day if the tasks are not completed in full.
With CarBuddii's app the salesperson will be notified automatically when a new lead inquires. The app also helps with planning important follow-ups with customers.

Measure the impact with data
CarBuddii hjælper dig med at måle på effekten af jeres markedsføringsaktiviteter. Det er gjort helt enkelt og nemt med et overskueligt overblik, så du hurtigt kan synliggøre resultaterne - også helt ned på sælgerniveau.
You will have a unique insight into the customer journey, and CarBuddii will show you which lead channels are driving sales. Our solution unifies all leads across channels.
Book a non-binding demo of CarBuddii
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CarBuddii across the car industry
Read more about how CarBuddii creates value for the car rental business, the car dealer and the auto repair shop. Our solution is designed to help the entire automotive industry, whether you are a small start-up or a large enterprise.


Car dealer

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Find answers to your questions
All phones and tables with access to Google Play and App Store can download and use the CarBuddii app.
Get the CarBuddii app now from Apple Store,
or Google Play
You can get the CarBuddii app from App Store or Google Play.
En korrekt udfyldt køreseddel ved prøvekørsler er lovpligtig. Du er langt bedre stillet juridisk og forsikringsmæssigt, hvis der skulle opstå en træls sag.
Vi har netop lanceret en ny batterimåler, så du nemt og enkelt kan holde styr på kWh-forbruget. Når kunden indleverer leje- eller lånebilen, kan du angive batteriniveauet, og appen udregner automatisk forbruget og overfører beløbet til fakturaen. Læs mere i vores mini guide.
Rental contracts for rental and loaner cars are statutory. Regardless of whether you are lending or letting cars for free or for payment, a correctly completed rental contract is statutory. You also have to remember that rental contracts must be stored for five (5) years from the rental date.
In addition, the rental contract ensures the basis for invoicing as well as knowledge about who has actually rented the car. In those sad cases, where the car is not returned, are used for reckless driving or for other offences, garages are in a far better position with correctly completed rental contracts. Reckless driving has serious consequences, and the police impounds all types of vehicles, regardless of who the owner is. Consequently, it is even more important now than ever that garages and rental companies keep track of their rental contracts for loaner and leasing cars in relation to insurance coverage and possible post-judicial situations.
Med en tro- og loveerklæring sikrer du, at kunden er erstatningsansvarlig. Vanvidskørsel har alvorlige konsekvenser; politiet kan beslaglægge alle typer af køretøjer. Når i laver køresedler i vores app, så er i både GDPR-sikre og kunden underskriver også en tro- og loveerklæring om vanvidskørsel.
Dedikeret support på chat, mail og telefon. Personlig kundesupport i hverdage mellem 9-15. Du chatter med os nederst til højre på hjemmesiden. I chatten finder du også hjælpeartikler og guides.
Du kan også sende os en mail på info@carbuddii.com